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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Selling bones in Grand Exchange

Small bones or common bones are the booming in the runescape market every one can sell it for 73gp each even level 3 can start making money from it.

Before Grand Exchange the value of many items were too high so the poor people can't afford or on the other hand many people were not willing to pay the reasonable price (the market price)
until and unless someone is willing to pay the highest pay sometime double the price.In other words lack of demand make items prices even lower.

Grand Exchange has mad impossible to balance this unequal prices of items in runescape in such a way which will be beneficial for both poor and rich player in runescape.

for instance Grand Exchange has allowed us to sell noob stuffs and small bones (common bones)banana,eggs,cake,Salmon,trout,feathers etc with maximum profit and on the other hand the items or tools which is a basic need to make money for the poor for example rune pick axe(for mining ores) rune wood cutting axe (for cutting logs) etc.

Selling small bones is very good source of make money even for level 3.small bones are found almost every where in runescape they are found by killing monster even chicken or cow.

small bones can be is drop by monster upon killing them i would suggest you to go and kill chickens level 1 they can be found north of lumbrige bridge (just go east of the bridge and go straight north) you can deposit your stuffs in lumbrige bank located on 2nd floor of lumbrige castle.

click the image below to enlarge

another great spot of collecting bones is in small house in edge villi just north of bank you can train Attack,strength,Defence,Magic or range while collecting your bones note this spot is the fastest way to collect your bones plus you have the advantage to deposit your bones very fast because the edge villi bank is very near

click below to enlarge

collecting bones and than sell in Grand Exchange for the highest price!

have a nice day

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bounty hunters aka new wilderness

Runescape has make some changes recently its what i called the mixture of bounty hunters(BH) And Wilderness on 6th of May 2009.I am so happy it is back again :D.

The only difference is that in olden days you could attack players according to your combat levels and how deep you are in the wilderness makes you chances of attack easier or very dangerous and difficult.

You could go to any of the runescape world you wish in order to enjoy the hope of winning and getting good drops and fear of losing and dieing and loss your expensive stuffs.The concept is pretty much same but there are some difference which i will discuss.

lets do a short comparison between old wilderness and new wilderness(bounty hunters) BH so the new wilderness is only available is world 32,57,136 and in members world 18,65,124,137.

smoother things which makes new wilderness from old wilderness is that for instant in olden days when you attacked someone and you could run across the ditch but now this thing is not possible the according to new wilderness if you attack someone and run across the ditch beprepare for other 10 sec of combat because i suggest you to save some food for this plus another 10 sec of combat.but the good news is if you die in edge village runescape will spawn you back in edge village and you can take your stuff back.

that's if for now

cheers ren

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Merchanting In Grand Exchange(GE)

Merchanting In Grand Exchange(GE)

In recent months the prices of all the items in runescape has dramatically changed for instant the rune scimitar was 30k to 35k before the trade update but after trade update or trade limit the prices went down as 9k minimum and 12k to the maximum(price of rune scimitar)

lets compare prices of different items before update and after update

Items before trade update after trade update (note this prices are is recently after trade update)

Rune scimitar 30k to 35k 9k to 12k

Rune 2h sword 65k to 75k 40k to 45k

Bones(common) no value 5gp to 10gp

blue wizard robe 500gp to 1k 300gp to 200gp

cooked Lobsters 250gp-280gp-300gp 180gp to 200gp

cowhides 100gp to 120gp 15gp to 20g

Above i have listed the items and their prizes respectively before and after trade limit update.but the prizes of items after the trade update note:this prices are for the items when the grand Exchange was recently introduced in Runescape.There are loads of ways to make money in Runescape one of which is very famous and most powerfull way

spend money to gain money.This is is also called investment buying items for lower cost and sell them as highest as possible or in cost price in case of no sale or very less sale This way of making money in runescape is called as merchanting.

Runescape jagex has done very nice job by introducing grand Exchange (GE) in runescape for instant the prices of many items had fallen from sky lol as i have listed above items and prices beside it and the prices before the implementation of trade limit update.

below are the items and there prices which shocked me and other Runescape players

items before trade update after trade update
rune scimitar 30k to 35k 24k to 28k

Rune 2h sword 65k to 75k 40k to 52k

bones(common) no value 63gp to 72gp

blue wizard robe 500gp to 1k 700gp to 900gp

cooked lobsters 250gp-280gp-300gp 242gp-245gp-267gp

cowhides 100gp to 120gp 116gp to 129gp

These prices are after some time of the implementation like four to six may have noticed that after some passage of time the prices are going up again to the old prices.

The main objective of the implementation of trade update is to balance the prices of different items is to balance the prices of expensive items to lower and to make the prices of cheap prices to higher.

I will explain the reason behind this jagex has made the prices of expensive items so that players can easily afford it.

jagex has made the prices of cheap goods higher so that poor people don't have to strive too hard for making making money in runescape or if they did strive than runescape make sure they enjoy their hard earned fruit to the fullest

In later post i will discuss making money in runescape by selling bones(common) in Grange Exchange

Thats it for now till than


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