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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bounty hunters aka new wilderness

Runescape has make some changes recently its what i called the mixture of bounty hunters(BH) And Wilderness on 6th of May 2009.I am so happy it is back again :D.

The only difference is that in olden days you could attack players according to your combat levels and how deep you are in the wilderness makes you chances of attack easier or very dangerous and difficult.

You could go to any of the runescape world you wish in order to enjoy the hope of winning and getting good drops and fear of losing and dieing and loss your expensive stuffs.The concept is pretty much same but there are some difference which i will discuss.

lets do a short comparison between old wilderness and new wilderness(bounty hunters) BH so the new wilderness is only available is world 32,57,136 and in members world 18,65,124,137.

smoother things which makes new wilderness from old wilderness is that for instant in olden days when you attacked someone and you could run across the ditch but now this thing is not possible the according to new wilderness if you attack someone and run across the ditch beprepare for other 10 sec of combat because i suggest you to save some food for this plus another 10 sec of combat.but the good news is if you die in edge village runescape will spawn you back in edge village and you can take your stuff back.

that's if for now

cheers ren


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